Trump Administration Pushes Forward Plan to Allow Harassment of Threatened Polar Bears in the Arctic Refuge


Washington, DC -- Today, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) released a proposed authorization that would allow for the harassment of threatened polar bears as part of destructive seismic testing for oil in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Much of the Arctic Refuge is designated as critical habitat for polar bears because mother bears den and nurture their cubs there during the winter. 

Disturbance from heavy machinery could drive bears from their dens prematurely, putting newborn cubs at risk, and trucks could drive over dens, threatening to crush the bears inside. The mitigation measures that USFWS is relying on to reduce the likelihood of death or injury are insufficient to ensure that no cub’s survival will be impaired due to the seismic survey. Despite a defective analysis that likely underestimates the likelihood of survival-impairing impacts, the proposed authorization concedes there is a 21% probability of at least one serious injury or lethal take.  

A previous plan to allow seismic testing across the entire coastal plain was tabled last year in the face of significant public opposition. The Trump administration is rushing to hold a lease sale for drilling in the coastal plain in the final days before leaving office, but this leasing program is currently being challenged in court and President-Elect Joe Biden has pledged to protect the Arctic Refuge from drilling. 

In response, Sierra Club Senior Campaign Representative Mike Scott released the following statement: 

“Let’s be clear about what this permit really means: it would not only allow for lasting damage in the Arctic Refuge, but specifically to disturb denning polar bears, putting the cubs and mothers at risk. The Arctic’s polar bear population is already threatened by climate change. Allowing this destructive plan to go forward -- all to facilitate drilling that may never, and should never, occur -- would be unconscionable. USFWS must protect the Arctic Refuge and the wildlife that depends on it by rejecting this proposal.” 


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