Let’s Not Get ‘Bridged’ By Minnesota Power

Northland At Risk From Utility’s Commitment To Fossil Fuels

DULUTH, MN -- Sierra Club members and communities from around the Twin Ports continue to voice their opposition to a proposed fracked gas power plant--the Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC)--to be built in Superior, Wisconsin. The proposed gas plant is now a joint effort between Duluth-based Minnesota Power, Wisconsin-based Dairyland Power, and North Dakota-based Basin Electric. NTEC would be built along 31st Ave E, between Grand Ave and E 10th St, close to homes, schools, and businesses, and only a few miles from Lake Superior.

“Twin Ports residents know what it means to get ‘bridged,’ or stuck on Lake Avenue waiting for a ship to pass beneath the Duluth Aerial Lift Bridge,” said Jenna Yeakle, Duluth Organizing Representative with the SIerra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign. “That’s what Minnesota Power could do to the Northland: Get us stuck with fossil fuels, even though clean and renewable energy is safer for our health and our climate, is just as reliable, and can help save ratepayers money.”

"Growing up, our generation was taught that when we make a commitment, we follow through," Isaac Conrad, student president of the Honors Student Association at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. "Minnesota Power - run by the generations that raised us - committed to 100% renewable energy, and by facilitating the opening of NTEC, they aren't sticking to their commitment. Renewable energy is safe, reliable, and less expensive than fracked-gas; it's unacceptable to preach sustainability, yet continue to saddle future generations with their carbon and fiscal debt." 

“More than a temporary inconvenience, the construction of fossil fuel infrastructure like NTEC is a long-term decision that will leave us stuck in a world of climate emergencies, climate change, and environmental injustice,” said Bridget Jones, resident and pastor in Superior, WI

"NTEC is an expensive, unnecessary bridge to nowhere that asks Minnesota Power customers to pay more for dirty energy we don't need or want," said Bret Pence, Northern Minnesota Director with Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light. "It takes us all backwards in terms of the climate goals of the City of Duluth, the State of Minnesota, and the United States; it's an unjust detour to the clean energy path that we need to build right now." 

“I oppose the proposed NTEC fossil gas plant which would pose all kinds of risks to nearby homes, schools, and businesses as well as Lake Superior itself," said Zabelle Stodola, resident of Duluth, MN. "Why is building a new fossil fuel power plant necessary anywhere if cleaner and cheaper green energy alternatives exist . . . and they do.” 

The Sierra Club campaign consists of a “Let’s Not Get Bridged” billboard (see below) adjacent to the Aerial Lift Bridge, as well as amplifying to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission the Sierra Club members and supporters who have concerns about NTEC. Comments can be submitted on Minnesota Power’s proposed integrated resource plan through April 29th, 2022, by visiting sc.org/MNPower.

  The Don't Get Bridged by Minnesota Power billboard

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit www.sierraclub.org.