Sierra Club Announces Volunteer Mobilization, Ad Campaign Ahead of 2022 Georgia Energy Planning Process


ATLANTA, GA –  Today, the Sierra Club is announcing its intention to participate in the 2022 Georgia Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) process. During this process, Georgia Power (owned by Southern Company) will propose its plan for how it will procure energy over the next two decades, which must be approved by the Public Service Commission (PSC).

This process occurs every 3 years, and represents a critical opportunity for Georgians to engage with the elected Public Service Commission as well as representatives of Georgia Power. The IRP determines how Georgia Power will provide electricity for our homes, schools, and businesses. The decisions the utility makes and the PSC approves impacts affordability, pollution levels, and jobs. Georgians everywhere have a stake in the outcome of the IRP process, and individuals will have the opportunity to submit comments directly to the PSC for consideration. 

Sierra Club has launched an ad campaign emphasising the importance of prioritizing everyday Georgians throughout the process by focusing on:

  • Transitioning away from fossil fuels that are more expensive, pollute the environment, and harm our health 

  • Investment in clean energy, energy efficiency, and energy storage that provide green jobs, boosting Georgia’s economy

  • Protecting air and water from pollution

  • Affordable energy bills -- not unfair fees for Georgia Power's bad decisions like coal ash clean up costs 

The advertisements illustrate the power individual customers have in influencing utility interests when they work together. A preview of the advertisements is below. You can also sign our petition here.

Cartoon image depicting a tug-of-war match between Georgia Power and the people of Georgia with text "If we pull together, we can change the future of energy in Georgia. Let's tell the Georgia Public Service Commission what the people of Georgia want."

For more information explaining the IRP process, please read our blog: Advocate for clean energy through the IRP process!

Scott Presson, a 5 year Sierra Club volunteer living in the Lawrenceville area in Gwinnett County and lead volunteer of the Georgia Chapter’s Clean Energy Committee released the following statement:

“I’m asking everyone - my fellow Georgians, Sierra Club members, businesses - to get involved and do your part during this critical time. Georgia will be one of the first states heavily impacted by climate change, and we’re already feeling the effects in the form of flooding, extreme weather events, and hurricanes. 

“The decisions that the Public Service Commission makes now will impact us well into the future. My grandchildren and yours deserve a healthful, livable world that has clean air, clean water, and a vibrant, sustainable economy. It’s our responsibility to protect our environment now and for generations to come.”

Charline Whyte, Senior Campaign Representative for the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign in Georgia released the following statement:

“Georgia Power’s parent company, Southern Company, made a commitment to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. It’s time for its subsidiaries to make good on that promise by swiftly transitioning to clean, carbon-free energy sources now. 

“Many communities throughout Georgia are disproportionately impacted by the pollution caused by fossil fuel power plants. Environmental and social justice must be front and center in any planning discussions and decision making about future energy generation.  Coal ash, air pollution, and water contamination should be stopped at the source.

“Right now, we have an opportunity to change Georgia’s future. We invite the people of Georgia to participate and pull together in the planning process.  As a united voice, we can charge the Public Service Commission with hastening coal plant retirements and ensuring a just transition to clean energy for all.”

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit