Arizona Corporation Commission Reinforces April Decision Opposing Salt River Project's Coolidge Expansion Proposal


Amy Dominguez,

ARIZONA – Today the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) reaffirmed its April decision in a 3 to 2 vote, denying a rehearing for a certificate of environmental compatibility for Salt River Project's proposed expansion of the gas-fired Coolidge Generating Station. In May, SRP filed for a rehearing, and today's renewed decision closes out the saga at the ACC. Any further action by SRP will need to be pursued in Superior Court. 

The ACC's renewed decision rejecting the proposal marks an important step in acknowledging the community members that have been advocating for the proposal's rejection and the clear record of its harmful impacts.

The Coolidge expansion would pollute surrounding areas, like the nearby historic Black community of Randolph, raise costs for customers, and exacerbate the climate crisis. 

Community members have been clear in their opposition to the Coolidge expansion. SRP is clinging to a project that would lock customers into an expensive and bad deal, as shown by a 2022 study completed by E3 on behalf of southwestern utilities (including SRP) that demonstrates the expansion isn't necessary to meet resource needs. 

SRP has long ignored community concerns about its continued reliance on fossil fuels and lack of transparency, prioritizing their own financial interest. Just last week, Sierra Club filed a suit against SRP for violating Arizona's Public Records Act by withholding critical information about the utility's power generation and planning process.

"I'm a lifelong resident of the Community of Randolph, Arizona, now 62 years. We are pleased that SRP's request for a rehearing regarding the Coolidge Natural Gas Expansion Project was denied," said Jeff Jordan, Randolph Resident. "The Community of Randolph and myself oppose this expansion project based on the following reasons: It will and currently does impact a predominantly minority community of Randolph. The Community consists of 95% minorities. And this would be a case of environmental racism and injustice. SRP since being in business within the Randolph area has NEVER expressed an interest in assisting Randolph citizens."

"The Arizona Corporation Commission has demonstrated that community impacts and concerns matter when considering power plant projects that would harm the community and further pollute our air," said Sandy Bahr, Director for Sierra Club's Grand Canyon (Arizona) Chapter. "The Commission made the right decision in April when it rejected the proposal, and today has stood by that decision to the benefit of communities, our air, our water, and the climate, as well as SRP customers."


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