Press Releases

July 19, 2017




Trump’s Unified Agenda is a Disgrace, not an Achievement


July 19, 2017

ATLANTIC BEACH, N.C. -- Citing threats to North Carolina’s fragile coastal environment and coastal economy, Gov. Roy Cooper today announced his firm opposition to the Trump administration’s plan to open the mid-Atlantic to offshore drilling.


"There is a threat looming over this coastline that we love and the prosperity it brings, and that's the threat of offshore drilling," Cooper said. "As governor, I'm here to speak out and to take action against it. I can sum it up in four words: Not off our coast."


July 18, 2017

Washington, DC -- This afternoon, the House of Representatives voted to pass two bills, pushed by Congressional Republicans, that would fast-track approval of cross-border and interstate oil and gas pipelines.

July 18, 2017

Washington, DC -- Today, the Trump administration announced that John Melle, a nearly 30-year employee at USTR and currently the assistant U.S. trade representative for the Western Hemisphere will lead the U.S. in NAFTA renegotiations. Melle joined the USTR in 1988 -- three years before NAFTA negotiations began -- and has held various positions, including overseeing NAFTA’s implementation.

July 18, 2017

Washington, DC -- Today, Donald Trump’s voting commission held its first meeting, where Trump and Mike Pence gave conflicting remarks. As it has been heavily reported, there are numerous reports showing that there has never been a single case of major voter fraud in America, and a study examining voting between 2000 and 2014 found only 31 credible instances of in-person voter fraud.

In response, Sierra Club Democracy Program Director Courtney Hight released the following statement:

July 17, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. -  Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the polluter backed "Smoggy Skies Act" (H.R. 806), marking another attempt by the fossil fuel industry to dismantle the Clean Air Act’s science-based health protections. These protections are essential to protecting children with asthma and people with chronic heart conditions from life threatening levels of pollution that can send them to the emergency room on bad air days.


July 17, 2017

WAUKEGAN - City Council approved a resolution committing the City of Waukegan to adopt the Paris Climate Agreement goals, and authorized the Mayor to join the Compact of Mayors. The Paris Agreement, a historic international climate accord which entered into force on November 4, 2016, has been signed by every nation on earth except war-torn Syria and Nicaragua, which would like it to be even stronger. The City’s decision comes just over a month after President Donald Trump announced that the United States would exit the Paris Agreement.

July 17, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the House Appropriations Committee marked up a Homeland Security appropriations bill that includes funds for a wall on the Southern U.S. border-- both an attack on human rights and conservation. The committee’s proposed $1.6 billion for a border wall would fund a 72-mile barrier which poses grave risks to human safety and critical Southern U.S. ecosystems. On Friday, news was released that an initial phase of Trump’s proposed wall construction would fragment the Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge.


July 17, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. --Today, the U.S House of Representatives released its Fiscal Year 2018 budget resolution which includes instructions that would allow the House Natural Resources Committee to throw open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for destructive oil drilling via the federal budget process. By instructing the committee to find $5 billion over 10 years, Congress can throw out protections from drilling in the Arctic Refuge through the budget reconciliation process.


July 16, 2017

Washington, DC -- Today, the Trump administration released its objectives for renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The objectives suggest a repeat of labor and environmental provisions from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) -- a deal whose demise Donald Trump widely took credit for -- that were deemed too weak by virtually all leading labor and environmental groups.