Collect voter signatures to protect Sand Creek in Antioch

By Dick Schneider

The Sand Creek area in south Antioch, located in eastern Contra Costa County, encompasses 1,850 acres of ranch and farmland. It is habitat for San Joaquin kit foxes, California red-legged frogs, tiger salamanders, burrowing owls, and a variety of sensitive plant species.

Unfortunately, the area is at imminent risk of development. A Southern California land development company has submitted an application for 1,300 houses on both sides of Sand Creek. If approved, this massive development would destroy the natural qualities of the area and lead to even more sprawl development adjacent to Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve.

Fortunately, there is something we can do about it. A group of local residents, Antioch Community to Save Sand Creek, has submitted a voter initiative that would zone the area for rural residential uses, agriculture, and open space. This will preserve the natural qualities of the Sand Creek stream corridor, vernal pools, scenic views of Mount Diablo and its foothills, and the habitat for the many plants and animals that live there.

What You Can Do:

You can help qualify the initiative for the ballot by collecting signatures of Antioch registered voters. No prior experience is needed. Training will be provided by Sierra Club and other campaign leaders. The only requirement is that you be at least 18 years old.

You will be paired up with another volunteer for a two-hour shift in front of a grocery store or other high foot-traffic area in Antioch. No door-to-door soliciting will be involved. All you have to do is ask shoppers as they enter or leave the store if they are Antioch registered voters and will sign the petition to qualify the initiative for the ballot. Collecting will occur on Saturdays and Sundays in Antioch throughout March, April, and May.

If you can help in this vital effort to protect Sand Creek from urban sprawl or just want more information, add your name at and we'll be in touch with information on the next training and volunteer days. Questions? Contact Dick Schneider at or by phone at 510-926-0010.

Dick Schneider is a member of the Sierra Club Tri-Valley Group Executive Committee.

Photo: View looking southeast across grassland and Sand Creek, where the 1,300-unit "The Ranch" development has been proposed on both sides of Sand Creek. Courtesy Cooper Ogden.