2021 Winter

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Halting the Gas Export Boom

On Louisiana's Gulf Coast, the fossil fuel industry is planning a massive expansion of LNG exports. One woman is determined to stop them.

By Antonia Juhasz

December 13, 2021

The Big Thaw

Alaska becomes the nation's first frontier of climate disruption

By Adam Federman

December 14, 2021

The Meridian Chaser: Ricocheting Between Climate Divides Old and New

One writer road-trips through the Great Plains, witnessing the effects of the eastward-shifting 100th meridian

By Carson Vaughan

December 15, 2021

To Build or Not to Build?

Architects struggle with the future of their craft in a warming world

By Frances Anderton

December 16, 2021

Meet the "Ice Bears" of the Yukon

A photographer chronicles a grizzly bear subculture

By Emma Marris

December 20, 2021