Take Action


The Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge needs our help!


Photo of Okefenokee Swamp water with lily pads and cypress trees

The Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge northwest of Jacksonville FL is a natural wonder and home to a plethora of unique plants and animals (https://www.fws.gov/refuge/okefenokee ). It is one of the largest freshwater ecosystems in the country and plays a critical role in the hydrology of the region. It serves as the headwaters of the Suwannee and St Marys Rivers so it plays a critical role in sustaining the water levels and health of these rivers. On Feb. 9, 2024 the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD), released draft permits for the company Twin Pines Minerals, an Alabama-based company, to mine for minerals on Trail Ridge, the subterranean geographic barrier that restricts the outflow of water from the swamp. Though many have invested countless hours over the years trying to prevent such mining, it appears imminent unless there is overwhelming opposition by people throughout the region and nation. Please contribute to the opposition by pursuing the options provided below. The GA EPD is restricting the time for receiving public comments, so please act as soon as possible.

On a related note, Carr Smith, a valued member of our Sierra Club group, recently passed away. Before his passing, Carr invested countless hours advocating for the protection of the Okefenokee NWR. Let us honor Carr’s efforts by utilizing the options for opposing mining near the Okefenokee NWR.

Though the timeline for responding may be extended, we recommend comments be submitted prior to March 11, 2024. If you send comments and receive a bounce-back notification, attempt to send your message again in the future.

  • For Georgia Residents: Utilize the GA Water Coalition online tools to protect the Okefenokee NWR. Use the link below and scroll down to the two Okefenokee tools: https://protectgeorgia.org/take-action/#/



Follow current bills as they move (or don't) through session in Tallahassee. This chart, prepared by Sierra Club Florida, updates daily so you can keep track of developments as they happen. The document focuses on our priorities including environmental and natural resources, conservation and health, clean energy and clean water, social justice, and other issues outlined below.

Please Note: The Source Link takes you to the flsenate.gov web site where all the information is available for Senate bills  (S.B.) The Source Link also has most of the information for House bill (H.B.) For complete details on House bills, go to myfloridahouse.gov and enter the bill number at the top of the home page. 

Contact info for your U.S. and Florida representatives

Contact your U.S. and Florida representatives and let them know how you feel about the environmental issues facing us today. To find out who your U.S. and Florida State Senators and Congresspeople are, and to get their contact information, go to this link, and put in your address:

Current Volunteer Opportunities

The Sierra Club Northeast Florida Group has many opportunities for people who are willing to donate their time to preserving the environment. Volunteers can do general jobs such as sitting at a Sierra Club table at a local event or can do specific jobs such as being on a committee. We have on-going volunteer opportunities year-round. 

To find out more or volunteer, contact our Membership Chair, Bill Snow.