How to send a comment to state regulators about Georgia Power's proposed rate hikes

Here's everything you need to know to send a comment to the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) about this year’s proposed electricity bill increases.

Georgia Power’s proposed rate hikes will impact many Georgians who are already struggling to provide necessities for their families. We need to join together and advocate to the PSC: Limit rate hikes and protect us from Georgia Power’s greed. 

Ready to send your comment? Follow the instructions below:

Step 1:

Go to

Step 2:

Fill in the form with this info:

  • Docket Number: 44280
  • Agenda Item: Georgia Power Rate Case
  • Date of hearing: November 29-30
  • Position: No Position/Comments Only

Step 3:

Add a comment. Comments can be as long or as short as you want. The key for a good comment is to make it your own. Ask yourself: Why is affordable energy important to me? Why do I care about the consequences of rate hikes on me and my neighbors? How can the Public Service Commissioners elevate the needs of the public for access to affordable, clean energy?

We encourage you to be yourself and keep it simple. If you need help framing your comment, feel free to use the following structure: Who I am // where I live // what I value // the moment // the problem // the solution.

Below are samples you can use for inspiration:

Sample one (corporate profits): I am Jane Doe from Savannah. It is unconscionable that Georgia Power seeks to raise electricity bills by 12% across the board, just after reporting millions in elevated profits from just last year and spending 3x more than promised on Plant Vogtle. Georgia Power can afford to not increase our bills, but we can’t afford to pad Georgia Power’s profit margins. Commissioners, I ask that you protect everyday Georgians from Georgia Power’s corporate greed - do everything in your power to limit rate hikes on customers. 

Sample two (expensive coal): My name is Jane Doe, I live in Bartow County near Plant Bowen. I am a working, single mother of three. I know that the PSC decided to keep Plant Bowen operating, despite Georgia Power’s proposal to close down the plant. Although the power plant provides jobs to people in my community, coal is incredibly expensive, and we’re paying the price in more ways than one. The PSC needs to take a serious look at the economics of coal power, because it’s clear that there are more affordable options available. Now, after deciding to keep expensive coal online, Georgia Power wants to raise my bills by 12%. It’s time for the PSC to mandate that Georgia Power ditch expensive coal, invest in job retraining, and provide affordable rates to all Georgians. I am also deeply concerned about the threat that coal ash poses to my community. It’s disappointing that my bill is paying for reckless coal ash storage. 

Sample three (energy burden): Thank you Commissioners for the work that you do. You have a big responsibility. My name is Jane Doe. I have lived in Georgia for over 20 years, and each year my power bill gets more and more expensive. I am a senior on fixed income, and a 12% increase on my power bill might mean I can no longer afford the medicine I need to survive. I know that this isn’t the last rate increase coming in the next year, and each year my situation becomes more unlivable. I already spend around 10% of my income on power bills each month, which is already a huge burden on my finances. Please protect people like me by rejecting Georgia Power’s rate increase proposal. 

Sample four (accountability): On the front page of your website, it says “The mission of the Georgia Public Service Commission is to exercise its authority and influence to ensure that consumers receive safe, reliable and reasonably priced telecommunications, electric and natural gas services from financially viable and technically competent companies.”

I need the PSC to live up to its mission by protecting Georgians from greedy corporations like Georgia Power. A 12% increase is not reasonable. Do your job, limit rate hikes. 

Sample five (solar net metering): Hello Commissioners, and thank you for accepting comments on this year’s rate case. I am writing to encourage you to expand GA’s solar net metering program. Solar is better for the planet and cheaper overall, plus it puts less demand and strain on our energy grid. The net metering program also makes solar more affordable for middle and low-income residents. It just makes sense to allow more Georgians to access these incentives for rooftop solar.

Step 4:

Once you finish writing your comment, click the "Submit" button. If you provided your email address, you should get an email message confirming receipt of your comment.

And that's it! Thanks so much for taking action to fight for affordable electricity for all Georgians!

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