Sierra Club Georgia Chapter Endorses Rebecca Mitchell for House District 106

Rebecca MitchellWe’re in the middle of a pandemic, and the government can’t seem to get anything right. Who better to elect than Rebecca Mitchell, a Ph.D. epidemiologist (and a veterinarian and researcher) who has been a health care advocate for years? Even if Rebecca wasn’t a scientist with a very impressive resume, we at the Sierra Club would still love her because Rebecca is running to build back Georgia. Rebecca’s biggest issue is equitable access to health care for everyone. However, upon talking to Rebecca, she makes it very clear that she’s no one-note candidate. She’s brilliant and curious, and she is eager to bring new, sound ideas forward. She will listen to science and advocate for smart solutions to the challenges facing Georgia families. We believe in Rebecca’s ability to move the ball on big issues and are delighted to support her.

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Paid for by Sierra Club Georgia PAC-Independent Committee