2024 Iowa Sierran

2024 Iowa Sierran Newsletters

July, 2024

CO2 Pipeline Update

Protecting the Environment


June, 2024

CO2 Pipeline Update

Protecting the Environment


May, 2024

CO2 Pipeline Update

Climate Change

Protecting the Environment


April, 2024

CO2 Pipeline Update

Legislative Updates

Climate Change

Protecting the Environment


March, 2024

CO2 Pipeline Update

Legislative Updates

Climate Change

Protecting the Environment


February, 2024

Legislative Updates

CO2 Pipeline Update

  • Still waiting on Utilities Board decision on Summit

  • Summit to expand its network of pipelines

  • It’s time for Iowa’s Legislators to pass a bill to stop the carbon pipelines! 

  • Save the date for our Carbon Pipeline Opposition Lobby Days at the Iowa Capitol

Protecting the Environment

January, 2024

Legislative Updates


  • CO2 Pipeline Update

    • It’s time for Iowa’s Legislators to pass a bill to stop the carbon pipelines! 

    • Save the date for our Carbon Pipeline Opposition Lobby Days at the Iowa Capitol

    • Familiarize yourself with Iowa Legislators and lobbyists that have or will play a role in a carbon pipeline bill

    • Sign the letter to Iowa legislators to stop the carbon pipelines

    • Summit's Future is in the IUB's hands

Climate Change

Protecting the Environment


Frost on prairie plants