Library of Proposed Legislation
Good public policy requires that good legislation be introduced. Below are some bills that reflect good environmental policy.
Photo, dome of the Iowa Capitol
Good Government
Constitutional amendment for the Right to Read, HJR2001, introduced in 2022, by Representative Dave Jacoby and 11 other representatives
Protect the Commons Act and informational flyer
State Bank and description of a state bank
Removing state funds from banks found guilty of fraud. Also an information sheet
Prohibits charging for lawyer review and redaction of public records, introduced in 2020.
Copyrighted materials are subject to open records review and copying Introduced by Senator Jeff Danielson in 2019.
Open meetings laws covers advisory committees. Legislation was introduced by the House Committee on Local Government in 2019.
Expands notice requirements for public meetings. Introduced in 2020.
Creates a study committee on tax credits. Introduced by Representative Wes Breckenridge in 2019.
Repeals Tax Increment Financing (TIF) in 2041, introduced in 2021
Allows Iowa to join compact of states to phase out corporate welfare. Introduced by Rep. Mary Mascher in 2020.
Water Quality
Water Quality Plans and informational flyer about water quality plans, introduced by Representative Art Staed in 2018
Establishing a Water Trustee and informational flyer
DNR to publish waters exceeding EPA guidance on microcystin. Introduced by Rep. Art Staed in 2020.
Riparian buffer legislation, introduced by Rep. Charles Isenhart in 2020.
Clean Elections
Making election day a holiday, HF407 introduced by Rep. Josh Turek in 2023
Enabling Shareholders to Object to Corporate Campaign Contributions
Definition of Infamous Crime and felon's right to vote, introduced by Representative Bruce Hunter in 2018
Repeals voter identification, re-instates straight party voting. Introduced by Representative Bruce Hunter in 2019.
Constitutional amendment to restore felon voting rights, submitted in 2019
Restores felon's right to vote, upon release from prison, probation, or work release; introduced by Representative Bruce Hunter in 2020.
Limits campaign contributions. Bill introduced by Representative Wes Breckenridge in 2019.
Giving the court adequate time to render a determination for contested elections for US House and US Senate seats, introduced by Senator Zach Wahls in 2021
Extends Absentee Balloting from 20 days to 30 days, HF130 introduced by Rep. Elinor Levin, 2023
Allows absentee ballot requests to be made electronically. Introduced in 2021 by Representatives Bruce Hunter, Rick Olson, Dave Jacoby, Beth Wessel-Kroeschell, Bob Kressig, Sharon Steckman, Sue Cahill, Ross Wilburn, Art Staed, Jennifer Konfrst, Lindsay James, Mary Mascher, Timi Brown-Powers, Eric Gjerde
Allows a voter to sign up to always receive an absentee ballot. Introduced in 2021 by Representatives Bruce Hunter, Rick Olson, Dave Jacoby, Marti Anderson, Beth Wessel-Kroeschell, Bob Kressig, Sue Cahill, Ross Wilburn, Art Staed, Jennifer Konfrst, Lindsay James, Cindy Winckler
Leopold Center Funding and informational flyer - The Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture is a department at Iowa State that performs research on sustainable farming practices. Its funding has been significantly cut by previous legislatures.
Testing sewage sludge for PFAS, HF145 introduced by Rep. Chuck Isenhart in 2023
Soil resource health and recovery monitoring system. Bill was introduced by Representative Chuck Isenhart in 2019.
Healthy soil initiative. Bill was introduced by Representatives Chuck Isenhart, Bruce Bearinger, Dave Williams in 2020.
Soil health and recovery monitoring system, HF2578, bill introduced by Representative Chuck Isenhart in 2022
Prohibiting sale and application of the pesticide Dicamba, introduced by Senator Pam Jochum in 2020.
Local farm produce program in schools, introduced by Rep. Chuck Isenhart in 2020.
CAFO moratorium. Submitted in 2021 by Representatives Art Staed, Bob Kressig, Timi Brown-Powers, Bruce Hunter, Mary Mascher, Sharon Steckman, Beth Wessel-Kroeschell, Molly Donahue, Marti Anderson, Dave Jacoby, Monica Kurth, Christina Bohannan, Tracy Ehlert, Brian Meyer, Liz Bennett, Phyllis Thede, Ross Wilburn, Cindy Winckler, Ako Abdul-Samad and Senators Pam Jochum, Joe Bolkcom, Claire Celsi, Eric Giddens

Photo of the Turkey River
Constitutional right to a clean environment, submitted in 2021 by by Representatives Chuck Isenhart, Art Staed, Timi Brown-Powers, Sharon Steckman, Bruce Hunter, Marti Anderson, Cindy Winckler
State Environmental Quality Act
Extending REAP and informational flyer on REAP, introduced by Representative Art Staed in 2019. REAP (Resource Enhancement and Protection) is the program the funds parks and recreation in Iowa, including state parks, county parks, and city parks. It also funds soil and water quality initiatives.
Implements the I-Will 3/8 cent sales tax to fund natural resources, introduced by Representative Chuck Isenhart in 2021
Implements the I-Will sales tax to fund natural resources, HF2588, introduced by Representative Chuck Isenhart in 2022
Odor Act and informational flyer. Bill was introduced by Representative Art Staed in 2019.
Repeal the Environmental Audit Law-–The Polluter Immunity Law
Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact. Bill was introduced by Representative Dave Jacoby in 2019.
Prohibits drones for pursuing, hunting, fishing wild animals. Bill was introduced by the House Natural Resources Committee in 2019.
Requires non-toxic shot for hunting doves, introduced by Representative Art Staed in 2019.
Protects black bear, introduced by Rep. Dave Jacoby in 2020 and black bear protection introduced in 2023
Black bear, gray wolves, mountain lion protection, HF2118, introduced by Representative Molly Donahue in 2022.
Enhancing penalties Department of Natural Resources can assess, introduced by Senator Pam Jochum in 2018
Missouri River Preservation and Land Use Authority
Waste, Recycling
Bottle Deposit Law Expansion, introduced by Representative Andy McKean in 2018
Study of recycling of plastic containers. Bill was introduced by Senator Claire Celsi in 2019
Reducing single-use plastics, introduced by Rep. Charles Isenhart in 2020.
Institutes charges for plastic bags; requires customers to request plastic straws, introduced by Rep. Art Staed in 2020.
Legislation enabling cities and counties to ban plastic bags. Bill was introduced by Rep. Jeff Shipley in 2020.
Banning open burning, introduced by Senator Joe Bolkcom in 2012

Public Health
Inspections of wells at time of sale, HF18 introduced by Rep. Chuck Isenhart in 2023
Creates Pesticide Drift and Pollution Task Force, HF2585, submitted by Representative Chuck Isenhart, 2022
Limiting agricultural pesticide application near schools and day care centers Introduced by Senator Bill Dotzler in 2019.
Regulation of consumer products containing PFAS, introduced by Representative Charles Isenhart in 2019.
Radon abatement systems in new homes. This bill was introduced by Representative Brian Lohse in 2019.
Task Force exploring agriculture's vulnerability to climate, HF2382; introduced by Representative Chuck Isenhart in 2022.
Agriculture Climate Adaptation Council & Plan. Read the informational flyer about the Ag Climate Adaptation Council. In 2019 Representative Chuck Isenhart and 36 of his colleagues sponsored a bill HF724; Senator Rob Hogg sponsored the companion bill in the Senate.
Requires Department of Natural Resources to develop a plan to cut greenhouse gases 50% by 2030, SF2054 and HF2454; introduced by Senator Rob Hogg and Representative Liz Bennett in 2022
Task force on climate adaptability and resiliency, HF2455, introduced by Representative Liz Bennett in 2022
Requires anthropogenic causes of climate change to be taught to junior high and high school students, SF2154, introduced in 2022 by Senator Joe Bolkcom
Establishes a task force on climate adaptability and resiliency, convened by the department of public health. Introduced by Senators Joe Bolkcom, Rob Hogg, Pam Jochum, Eric Giddens, Claire Celsi, Sarah Trone Garriott, Janet Petersen in 2021
It isn't OK to charge me more if I have solar panels - legislation to eliminate the ability of municipal utilities to add discriminatory fees on solar panel owners
Feed-in tariff. Bill was introduced by Senator Joe Seng in 2012.
Solar systems and storage required for new state buildings Bill was introduced by Senator Claire Celsi in 2019.
Developing a strategic plan for renewable energy in state buildings. Introduced by Representative Marti Anderson in 2019.
Roll-back energy efficiency ceilings placed in effect in 2018. Bill was introduced by Senator Claire Celsi in 2019.
Establishes Utilities Commission (formerly Utilities Board) membership requirements. Introduced by Representative Art Staed in 2020.
Corporations Are Not People and Money is Not Speech
State Constitutional amendment removing corporate personhood