Second Funnel

Legislative update after the funnel

The second funnel has passed.  At this stage, most bills must have been passed by one chamber (House or Senate) and passed through a committee of the other chamber in order to continue moving through the legislative process.

Issues that were blocked by the funnel include:

  • allowing state agencies to hire CPAs to audit financial records instead of the state auditor - sf2311, Sierra Club opposed this bill
  • preventing the Department of Natural Resources from acquiring land by auction - sf2324, Sierra Club opposed this bill
  • study on pelican predation, which would look at recommendations for killing pelicans - sf2326, Sierra Club opposed this bill
  • allowing open feedlots to spread manure before nutrient management plans are approved - sf2371, Sierra Club opposed this bill
  • updating building codes to require passive radon mitigation to be built in new single-family or two-family homes - hf2491, Sierra Club supported this bill
  • providing protection of black bear from hunting by putting the black bear on the furbearer list - hf175, Sierra Club supported this bill

A number of bills that Sierra Club is lobbying for and against remain active.  These include:

  • election law changes - hf2610, sf2380.  Sierra Club opposes banning drop boxes and requiring absentee ballots to be received by the county auditor the day before the election instead of election day
  • removing or reducing property tax exemption on forest reserves - hf2093, sf548 - Sierra Club opposes removing the property tax exemption from forest reserves
  • authorizing Iowa to join the midwest passenger rail compact - hf591, sf2315, Sierra Club supports this bill
  • Carbon dioxide pipeline applications can be taken to court for a declaratory order - hf2522, Sierra Club supports this bill
  • bans city ordinances requiring a specified number of inches of topsoil being returned to building sites and enhanced storm water protection on building sites - sf455.  Sierra Club opposes this bill.
  • $5 bounty on raccoon tails - hf2481.  Sierra Club opposes this bill.
  • tax issues, budget - we are carefully watching the tax and budget bills since they affect funding for parks and recreation and enforcement of environmental laws.  These bills will be introduced over the coming days and weeks.

The old saying about the legislature is "it's not over until the final gavel falls".  We will continue monitoring the bills, including amendments, and lobbying until the final gavel falls.

Iowa Capitol, by Kacey Carpenter