Making the Switch to Electric Driving
January 28, 2025
By Sam Lambert
As winter break approached, I knew that I had one major chore that needed to be tackled… My vehicle lease was coming to its end and I had to make a decision. I wanted to explore my options, but monthly payment was my...
Outing Reflection: A Walden Walk to Stop Private Jet Expansion at Hanscom or Anywhere
December 23, 2024
By Tyler Aprati
The soft crunch of orange leaves and crisp fall air were potent as we walked silently through Walden Woods on our way to the pond. The group, around 30 strong, ranged from curious citizens eager to hear about...
Summary of S.2967
November 19, 2024
by Jess Nahigian, State Political Director,
With thanks to John Prusinski from Berkshire Environmental Action Team, Caitlin Peale Sloan from Conservation Law Foundation, and Dan Friedman, Sarah Krame, and Amelia...
Fight or Flight
November 18, 2024
By Sam Lambert
On Friday evening, just as the sun set, my eyes started to tear. The constant scratch in my throat escalated to a burn. Red lights pulsed through my windows as the constant thrum of helicopter blades overhead settled...
Hungry for Change
November 1, 2024
by Tami Gordon
Being raised in New York City colored the lens of my childhood. My magical world was objectively crumbling under the heat of climate change. Under the sweltering embrace of shoulder-to-shoulder complexes...
Submit public comment by October 31st about Quabbin, Ware, Wachusett Public Forests
October 21, 2024
Join the MA Sierra Club Forest Protection team as we submit public comments to the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Division of Water Supply Protection (DCR-DWSP). For their fiscal year 2025, they have proposed cutting in 1,500 acres or...
An Energizing Day at Sea: Visit the South Fork Wind Farm with us
October 4, 2024
By Sam Lambert
On a perfect autumn morning, I woke up at dawn to prepare for a long ride down to Rhode Island from my home on the northshore of Massachusetts. After spending the better part of this year supporting our volunteer team...
Lawmakers: Pass A Comprehensive Climate Bill This Session!
October 4, 2024
To protect ratepayers from rising utility bills and meet the Commonwealth’s climate net zero emissions mandate by 2050, the Legislature must pass a comprehensive climate bill this session that includes provisions to begin a gradual, managed...
Tell the US Forest Service to protect Mature & Old Growth Forests!
September 17, 2024
Two pieces of writing by NE Sierra Club volunteers calling for people to write the the US Forest Service before Sept 20, 2024!
The Waves Less Traveled
August 9, 2024
By Sam Lambert
I recently moved and left my familiar, fairly short, Orange Line commute into our office behind. Sure, I made jokes about being able to run faster than the train or my chronic anxiety as it traveled over the Mystic River,...