The Great Lakes

The Great Lakes - Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior - account for one fifth of the world's surface fresh water. They are an invaluable source of clean drinking water for millions of individuals and generate over 1.5 million jobs and $60 billion in wages annually. They are culturally signficant for indigenous communities who have relied on them for centuries. They are invaluable part of tourism for the states bordering them, bringing in millions of visitors who come to fish, boat, swim, and enjoy the beauty of the some of the world's largest freshwater lakes. Unfortunately, our Great Lakes are facing unprecedented dangers from pollution, water withdrawals, climate change, and more.

There are several Sierra Club Chapters actively working to protect the Great Lakes.

Learn more about the issues impacting the Great Lakes how the Sierra Club regional chapters are working to protect these precious waters


Factory Farms

Illinois Chapter

Michigan Chapte


Algal Blooms

Ohio Chapter

Wisconsin Chapter


Line 5

Wisconsin Chapter

Michigan Chapter


Invasive Species

Illinois Chapter