Clean Transportation

My Generation 
Clean energy activists protesting a SoCal Gas press event in the Inland Empire.

In order for California to ensure clean air and protect public health, the freight and goods movement sector must move towards clean transportation with zero emissions and electrification. Smog and poor air quality remain a dangerous and persistent problem for millions of Californians and the front line communities facing the worst air quality in the nation, due to freight and truck pollution.

Replacing today’s dirty diesel trucks with another fossil fuel, like gas, will only continue to put the greatest harm on communities of color and frontline neighborhoods that live alongside fossil fuel infrastructure.

To meet our climate and air quality goals, California must make the switch to clean energy solutions and lock in policies that prioritize true zero-emission technology, while not settling for short-term and nearsighted half measures such as replacing diesel with natural gas vehicles. 

For further information, please contact:

  • Eddie Junsay, Acting California Deputy Regional Field Director, at


It's time to prioritize the investment in clean technologies like zero emission vehicles and battery electric trucks.

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