Congratulations to Omahan Faye Sitzman for being recognized by the Sierra Club Board of Directors for her lifetime contributions to leading outings.

2023 Chapter Award Winners: Mia Perales and Al Davis

2022 Award Winners
Brittany Cooper
For her outstanding service to the Chapter as Chapter Chair and Secretary
Community Environmental Leadership Award
Awarded to
Ryan Wishart
For his research into OPPD and his advocacy for active transportation
Environmental Champion Award
Awarded to
John Pollack
For his decades of environmental advocacy
Outstanding Environmental Journalist Award
Awarded to
Kevin Abourezk
For promoting conservation in the Native American Community and beyond
2021 Award Winners
2020 Award Winner
2019 Award Winners
2017 Award winners
Upper right: David Domina (left) with Nebraska Sierra Club Counsel James Cavanaugh: middle left: (left to right) Senator Krist, Senator Chambers and James Cavanaugh; middle right: David Corbin with Candy Bless Heydorn; lower left: Clyde Anderson (left) with Scott Kemper; lower right: Michael Forsberg (left) with Tyler Mainquist.
2016 Award winners
Award winners (presented by NSC chair, Candy Bless) at the Nebraska Sierra Club Harvest Moon Banquet, Oct. 16, 2016: Clockwise from upper left: Senator Ken Haar, Eric Williams (also accepting an award on behalf of his brother Scott Williams), national Sierra Club President Aaron Mair and Bill Moore. Congratulations to all the winners
Click here to see past winners of Nebraska Sierra Club awards from 1984-2015.