Jamie McLeod-Skinner for CD-05 (2022)


Jamie McLeod-Skinner Endorsed for Congressional District 5
Leadership, Authenticity, Integrity

The Sierra Club has given its full-throated endorsement of Jamie McLeod-Skinner for Oregon’s 5th Congressional District. Not only does Jamie stand tall for Club values and priorities, she will also bring to Congress a steely commitment to fight for all that is on the line. 

Leadership: As the Congresswoman for CD-05, Jamie will fight for our values: Democracy, the Climate Crisis, Working Families. She cares deeply about Oregon and this country, with the skillset, good sense, and fortitude to get things done. She’ll work for a responsive government that invests in critical infrastructure, healthcare, and renewable energy for a resilient economy. She’ll work to address the climate crisis, to keep our air and water clean, to protect federal lands from logging, and for iron-clad ethics rules. 

Authenticity: Jamie will be true to the interests of her constituents. As a pragmatic, progressive Democrat who has focused her career on rebuilding communities, Jamie has consistently advocated for working families. She’ll fight for childcare, affordable housing, debt-free community college and trade programs, and emergency preparedness. She will fight for every person’s right to choose, and to keep government out of our personal medical decisions. 

Integrity: Jamie has never taken money from Big Oil or Big Pharma. She is the smart, focused leader we need who puts the future of our democracy above those who use influence to corrupt power. Jamie McLeod-Skinner is the candidate who the people of CD5 can entrust to do that. 

The 2022 election has taken on existential significance for our democracy. That’s why electing Jamie McLeod-Skinner and our other worthy candidates is intensely critical this year. Let’s do our part to strengthen democratic governance. To explore Jamie’s positions and values, or to donate to her grassroots campaign, go to jamiefororegon.com.


Read our other candidate profiles here: