Jo Ann Hardesty for Portland City Commissioner 3 (2022)

Update (6/15/2022): Jo Ann Hardesty earned 44% of the vote in the May 2022 Primary Election and is headed for a run off against Rene Gonzalez in the November General Election.


Oregon Sierra Club endorsed Jo Ann Hardesty for the Portland City Council Commission Position 3 in 2018. Because of her demonstrated leadership, we proudly endorse Jo Ann Hardesty again. In Jo Ann Hardesty, Portland has a leader who is pro-environment and a leader on environmental justice.

Jo Ann formed the leadership team that brought us the Portland Clean Energy Fund (PCEF). Among other organizations, Oregon Sierra Club worked to collect signatures for the ballot initiative and to inform voters, which led to the measure’s passage in 2018. PCEF monies are funding green job creation, home improvements through renewable energy, and energy efficiency investments and local business support. Jo Ann is a strong advocate and defender of the funds to ensure they continue to be distributed as voters intended them.

She is the architect of the Portland Street Response, which responds to emergency calls that don’t require police response. This unarmed emergency response can provide the best outcomes when a member of our community is experiencing a mental health crisis.

Hardesty is the first black woman to be elected to the Portland City Council, bringing a perspective that no one else has. She continually demonstrates the courage to speak up against injustice and efforts to build barriers to people less fortunate and with less privilege in Portland. She is the candidate who champions Sierra Club values.

To learn more about Jo Ann or to contribute to her campaign visit her website:


Read our other candidate profiles here: