
PA Chapter Volunteer Open House - Monthly Meetings

Curious about volunteering with the Sierra Club? Join us for a Volunteer Open House! Learn about volunteer opportunities and find the project, team, or task that's right for you. Discuss your interests and skills with volunteer coordinators in an informal, conversational space. 

Volunteer Open Houses will be held monthly on a rotating schedule to accommodate all calendars. Look for "Volunteer Open House" on the SC/PA Chapter Calendar.


January 2023 PA Volunteer Job Fair

The Sierra Club in Southestern PA is seeking to build its regional volunteer organization with passionate and responsible volunteers ranging from volunteer support type roles to conservation and outings leadership (or co-leadership) roles.

In January our team of 
dedicated volunteers held a 1 hour overview and discussion about what volunteers do now and what we could accomplish if you were on the Sierra Club team. And we talked about volunteer opportunities at both the chapter (state-wide) and group (regional) level. 

Watch Video Recording of the Jan 2023 Webinar HERE     

Here is the 2021 SPG Vol Job Fair slide deck:

Join SPG volunteers as we make a difference in the greater Philadelphia region. Our volunteers act as: environmental watchdogs, lobbyists, political candidate interviewers and supporters, environmental educaters, and social animals. Find a committee or activity that matches your interests and time.

You are invited to join the Sierra-Philly-Volunteers discussion forum.  Sample of latest postings at bottom of this page:

Read through the Conservation Committee descriptions on the Ready For 100 (our most popular teams) and the Spotlight pull-down menu. 

Fill out this Volunteer Interest Form - to be connected with a volunteer leader or ask a question about what our teams are doing. We also have a Ready For 100 (clean energy advocacy) specific volunteer interest form - RF100 Volunteer Interest Form.


Philly Talks Climate


Philly Talks ClimateA weekly radio show and podcast hosted and produced by Meenal Raval and Tanya Seaman on Philly CAM. Sierra Club volunteers are invited to contribute to the discussion at Philly Talks Climate blog and if you have suggestions for future topics, send to meenal.raval@gmail.com. 


Mini Programs

For the past few years we have had mini-programs to educate us about local and global issues. Most have been recorded and are available here.

Mini-Programs for 2019 and 2020 

energy edStarting inn 2019 we focused on RF100 Energy Education. See the Energy Ed page for upcoming and recorded sessions.


Mini-Programs for 2018 

If you have a suggestion, or want to volunteer to speak, send an email to jim.wylie@verizon.net

Programs from 2017

In general, each speaker will talk for 10 to 15 minutes about what the issue is, any current actions going on, how others can help. Then 5 or 10 minutes of Q&A. The leaders listed above may also invite a guest speaker - an expert on the topic - to talk instead of themselves. Handouts are not expected, but any reference files or links could be distributed beforehand.


As much as we all need more email like we need poison ivy, it is still the best way to stay connected with teams of people working on the things that you want to work on. Here are the organized email lists in the SPG area:

Volunteers - this is our generic forum for our most active volunteers and where we post volunteer opportunities - Sierra Philly Volunteers

County Organizing:

Issue Groups:

Volunteer Resources

   - SPG Reimbursement Form  (.pdf) - print, fill in, scan, then email to Helena (helenagallant33@gmail.com) and Emily Davis (emilylambertdavis@gmail.com)

     - SPG Direct Payment Request Form  (.pdf) 

All expense reimbursements must be approved (specifically or by project) before payment. Please send an email to Helena & Emily either with the filled in .pdf file and scanned receipts, or just an email telling us that it is in the mail to us.