Executive Order Attacking Clean Air and Climate Action is Bad News for Illinois


Renner Barsella, renner.barsella@sierraclub.org, 312-251-1680 x120

Chicago, IL - Today, President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order to begin the process of repealing several Obama-era actions tackling the climate crisis and protecting clean air and water, including steps to begin the process of dismantling the Clean Power Plan, roll back Oil and Gas New Source Performance Standards, rescind NEPA guidance that directs agencies to account for the climate crisis, and end efforts to reform the broken federal coal leasing program.


The Clean Power Plan protects the health of Illinois families and communities by curbing dangerous carbon pollution and reducing other toxic pollutants like mercury, nitrous oxide, and sulfur dioxide.


The EPA has estimated that, by 2030, the Clean Power Plan would prevent 150,000 asthma attacks and up to 6,600 premature deaths annually, providing between $55 billion to $93 billion of benefits per year. These climate and health benefits far outweigh the estimated annual costs of the plan, which are only $7.3 billion to $8.8 billion in 2030.


EPA also projects that in 2030 when the plan is fully implemented, electricity bills would be roughly 8 percent lower than they would been without the actions in state plans. That would save Americans about $8 on an average monthly residential electricity bill.


Trump’s announcement comes on the same day of the release of the 2016 Solar Jobs Census, which shows continued growth in solar employment in Illinois.


In Response, Jack Darin, Illinois Chapter Director, Released the Following Statement:


“President Trump is proposing a great leap backward, hoping to reverse the progress we are making in Illinois and the United States toward clean energy for all, but it won’t be that easy.


“Today’s action may be just what oil and coal corporations ordered, but it flies in the face of science, the law, and the growing move toward clean energy in our economy and in states like Illinois. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that carbon pollution threatens our health and our planet, and the U.S. EPA is required to reduce it. Trump can repeal the Clean Power Plan, but he is legally obligated to replace it.


“Illinois is on course to become a national leader in wind power, solar energy, and conservation programs, and we should not let President Trump’s crusade against science and our legal and moral obligation to act on climate change determine our future. Today Trump is reversing federal efforts to reduce carbon emissions, but he cannot stop states like Illinois from moving forward with plans of their own. States that continue with efforts to limit carbon pollution will now be more likely to attract the jobs, economic investment, and cleaner air that offered by the steadily growing clean energy economy. In fact, new data released today shows that Illinois’ solar economy is growing, with 3,718 solar jobs at 233 Illinois solar companies, including 235 new jobs added between 2015 and 2016.


“Over the last two years, over 30,000 Illinoisans have contacted Governor Rauner urging him to develop a strong and just plan to reduce carbon emissions in Illinois. Today we renew our call for Governor Rauner to prepare that plan to act on climate change. It has never been more important for Illinois to take the lead on reducing the emissions that are causing the climate change that threatens our health, our agricultural economy, and all of our communities. With so much at risk from climate change, and so much to gain from clean energy solutions, it’s time for Illinois to step up while Trump leaps backward.”