Renner Barsella

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Press Releases

REPORT: Buildings Play Big Role in Unsafe Smog Levels for 5.1 Million Marylanders

BALTIMORE, MD – Buildings play an unexpectedly large role in contributing to dangerous levels of smog pollution, according to new modeling from Sonoma Technology in a report commissioned by the…

Seminole Electric Cooperative Identified as Finalist for Federal Funding for Large-Scale Solar and Storage

FLORIDA – President Joe Biden announced today that Seminole Electric Cooperative’s application to construct and procure a combination of utility-scale solar and battery energy storage…

Brookfield Gas Compressor Station Expansion to Pose Serious Health Risk, New Study

BROOKFIELD, CT. – Compressor stations maintain the flow and pressure of fracked gas transported in pipelines. Due to serious health and safety risks, experts recommend compressors stay at least 1.8…

Massachusetts Legislative Session Ends without the Passage of a Climate Bill or Other Key Environmental Priorities

BOSTON, MA. – Today, the State Legislature ended the 2023-2024 session without the passage of a climate omnibus bill, S.2838 An Act Upgrading the Grid and Protecting Ratepayers. …

PA Supreme Court Grants Intervention to Environmental Organizations in RGGI Litigation

Harrisburg, PA — Today, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania recognized the fundamental right of PennFuture, Clean Air Council, Sierra Club, and Environmental Defense Fund and their members to defend…

With Owners of Ohio’s Gavin Plant Pushing for Fewer Safeguards, One Million Gallons of Coal Ash Waste Spill in Minnesota

WASHINGTON, DC –  Just weeks after a court challenge to new coal ash safeguards joined in part by the operators of the General James M. Gavin Power Plant in southeastern Ohio was thrown out,…

STATEMENT: Minnesota’s Largest Coal Plant Leaks Toxic Waste into Mississippi Reservoir

DULUTH, MN -- About one million gallons of coal ash wastewater spilled from Minnesota Power's Boswell Energy Center, the largest coal plant in Minnesota, with some reaching Blackwater Lake, a…

STATEMENT: With Danskammer Canceled, New York Looks to Cleaner Energy

New York, NY -- On June 26, 2024, Danskammer LLC withdrew its request for a siting certificate for a proposed gas plant in the Hudson Valley, marking the end of the last large-scale gas…

FERC Judge Rules Nation’s Largest Rural Electric Co-op Failed to Assess Coal Alternatives

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Administrative Law Judge issued an initial decision finding that Basin Electric Cooperative failed to meet its obligation to assess cheaper…

Sierra Club Goes the Extra Mile for Michigan’s Climate Bills

Lansing, MI - After months of advocacy, lobbying, and engagement Michigan finally acted to curb climate change driven by the utility sector. Passed by the State House late last night, Senate Bills…