Even The Trump Administration Undermines their Rationale for the Rolling Back the Clean Car Standards


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Bloomberg reported that internal emails from the Trump Administration showed experts at the Environmental Protection Agency told the Department of Transportation that rolling back the Obama era clean car standards would increase highway deaths. This is in stark contrast to the Administration’s -- including the EPA -- rationale for the rollback, claiming that freezing the fuel efficiency requirements would save 1,000 lives a year.

In response, Sierra Club Deputy Advocacy Director of the Clean Transportation for All Campaign Andrew Linhardt released the following statement:

"Donald Trump and Andrew Wheeler have made it clear that they care more about lining their friends’ pockets than the safety of the American people. It’s absolutely appalling that they ignored all the evidence showing the health and safety benefits of the Clean Car Standards in favor of destroying clean air and healthy communities. Wheeler must pull their proposed rule back and focus on strengthening the standards -- as the people and facts support -- rather than continue with this charade.”


About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3 million members and supporters. In addition to helping people from all backgrounds explore nature and our outdoor heritage, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit www.sierraclub.org.