Major Expansion of Clean Energy Under Newly Approved Consumers Plan


Renner Barsella,, 217-390-9394

LANSING, MI -- The Michigan Public Service Commission approved Consumers Energy long-term resource plan that includes significant investments in clean energy. Environmental organizations including Michigan Environmental Council (MEC), Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and Sierra Club, represented by Olson, Bzdok & Howard and Earthjustice, advocated for significant increases in energy efficiency programs, renewable energy investments and the retirement of the utility’s coal fleet.  

Under the plan, Consumers will significantly increase its energy efficiency and demand response programs, make major investments in renewable energy, and retire part of its coal fleet. The plan includes sourcing almost 40 percent of the company's energy needs from renewable resources by 2030, and implementing one of the most aggressive energy efficiency plans in the nation. A recent report from Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) shows Michigan leading the Midwest in clean energy jobs with 126,000 Michiganders working in growing industries like energy efficiency. Advocates say that Consumers’ plan will help the state maintain its lead in the Midwest, providing long-term economic and health benefits to the state.   

Although Consumers committed to retiring the Karn coal plant, advocates are calling on the utility to quickly retire the rest of its coal fleet, which are significant sources of carbon emissions and other pollutants in Michigan.

The following are reactions from the environmental organizations that intervened in the Consumers IRP:    

“Consumers Energy’s plan to replace dirty coal plants with clean renewable energy instead of big, expensive gas plants will save ratepayers money in the long-term,” said Charlotte Jameson, energy policy and legislative affairs director for Michigan Environmental Council. “Renewable energy, like wind and solar, is now the more affordable option and will decrease harmful air pollution like mercury, particulates, and greenhouse gases. This bold plan set by Consumers is a huge leap forward to get our state to an affordable, clean energy future, and should serve as an example for other Michigan energy providers.”

Jordan Chrispell of the Sierra Club said, "Consumers Energy’s plan is an important step forward in recognizing that clean energy is a better investment than aging coal plants and new gas plants. Consumers should now take the next step by planning for an earlier retirement of the Campbell coal units. This settlement requires the utility to study the economics of the Campbell retirements, the largest source of greenhouse gases and toxic pollution in West Michigan. Sierra Club urges Consumers to perform this study in an unbiased way that will surely confirm the monetary, health, and environmental benefits of retiring Campbell earlier."  

“This resource plan is a fundamental shift for Michigan’s electric utilities that is long overdue,” said Ariana Gonzalez, senior policy analyst with the Natural Resources Defense Council. “Consumers sets a high bar and makes good on its ambitious goals to cut carbon by doubling down on clean energy rather than relying on unnecessary gas-fired power plants, challenging DTE Energy to ensure its pending long-term plan follows suit and delivers the truly clean, carbon-free energy that customers are demanding.”

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit