Sierra Club Responds to Cubs Partnership with Texas Coal Company

“Dynegy-Cubs Partnership Out of Line with Values of Chicago Fans”

Renner Barsella,, 217-390-9394

CHICAGO, IL -- Last week Texas based energy giant, Dynegy announced that it has entered into a multi-year partnership with the Chicago Cubs to become the Official and Exclusive Energy Provider for the Chicago Cubs and Wrigley Field. Since Dynegy completed a $1.74 billion merger with Vistra Energy, the Texas-based corporation is the largest electric sector polluter not only in Illinois but nationally. Coal power plants are major contributors to climate change, and release toxic air and water pollution that is extremely dangerous to human health.

This partnership comes at a time when Illinois and the City of Chicago are making historic progress in the movement to confront climate change and transition to clean, renewable energy across the city.

In response, Christine Nannicelli, Illinois Senior Campaign Representative for Sierra Club released the following statement:

“As our city makes the historic move to 100% clean energy, the corporate ownership of our beloved Cubs is taking a great step backwards, once again thrusting their disparate political beliefs onto loyal Chicago fans. Chicago aims to be a national leader in the movement to stop climate change. With a record number of LEED certified buildings, world class parks and waterfronts, and the city’s recent bold commitment to power all of its buildings with 100% renewable energy by 2035, Chicago has made clear that the health of our environment and residents is one of the values our city holds dear.

“By partnering with Dynegy-Vistra, one of the largest polluting  energy companies in the country, the owners of the Chicago Cubs and Wrigley Field are opting out of the clean energy future so many of their fans support. Fans shouldn’t have to choose between their love of the team and their moral commitment to our planet. The Cubs should be as loyal to Chicago as Chicago has been to the Cubs. Ownership should support the clean energy future Chicago has committed to and ditch its partnership with polluters like Dynegy-Vistra.”

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit