BREAKING: Virginia Orders Halt to Construction on Fracked Gas Pipeline

State Previously Cited Mountain Valley Pipeline for Over 300 Violations

Doug Jackson, 202.495.3045 or
Tim Cywinski, 540.272.5358 or

RICHMOND, VA -- Today, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) announced they issued a stop work order for two miles of the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline. According to a DEQ press release, the order is the result of “issues identified during DEQ inspections that cite insufficient erosion and sediment controls” in Montgomery County, Va.

In response, Sierra Club Virginia Chapter Director Kate Addleson released the following statement:

"The Sierra Club Virginia Chapter commends DEQ’s decision to enforce a partial stop work order on the dirty, dangerous fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline. After recurrent and anticipated erosion and sediment control failures in Montgomery County, and the more than 300 water violations of MVP’s broader construction, today’s decision reinforces the fact that there is no safe way to build this dangerous and unnecessary pipeline. Southwest Virginians are suffering demonstrable damage to their communities, waterways and property, and we are hopeful that DEQ will take further measures that reflect its responsibility to put the needs of Virginians first by issuing a stop work order for the entire route.”



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