Local Heart of Illinois Group Statement on Announcement of Four Vistra Coal-Plant Retirements


Renner Barsella, renner.barsella@sierraclub.org, 217-390-9394

Peoria, IL -- Vistra Energy announced today that it is closing its coal burning power plants in Canton, Havana, Hennepin, and Coffeen. 

In response, the Sierra Club’s Heart of Illinois Group Chair Bob Jorgensen released the following  statement:

"Today’s announcement that Vistra will be retiring these four Illinois coal plants must be a wake up call for our state that the need to plan for transition is urgent. Over a year ago Vistra Energy CEO Curtis Morgan said on national television that coal was ‘on its way out.’ These plants were losing money when Dynegy bought them from Ameren in 2013, and Vistra’s ownership hasn’t changed the reality. The truth is Vistra, and Dynegy before them, made huge profit margins instead of investing in long term planning. We must act now to ensure that the communities most impacted by the inevitable shift in our energy sector are supported with workers transitioning into good family sustaining jobs and the cleanup of toxic sites. Bold commitment to clean energy will grow much needed investment in communities left behind by or left out entirely from Illinois’ energy economy.”

Brenda Dilts, head of Concerned Area Citizens for Environmental Issues and long-time Heart of Illinois Group Sierra member comment: 

“As a Canton resident, I am very concerned about the dedicated workers and what Vistra will do to clean up their locations. Everyone has to look at the fact that Vistra is closing some of their cleanest operating coal plants. Duck Creek, southeast of Canton has scrubbers, as do Havana and Coffeen. We know the cleaner plants cost more to operate and make less profit and Vistra is all about profit. Illinois needs to move to solar and wind energy so we can breathe healthier air and have new jobs for our area. In July I met with our Mayor to talk about what can be done to promote new jobs and opportunities for reclaiming areas of our county. I hope the Duck Creek plant land is reclaimed as their huge coal ash pits are on the bluff above the Illinois River.”

Chama St. Louis, Sierra Club Heart of Illinois Group Board Member, added:

 “This announcement makes it all the more urgent that Illinois put plans in place that put workers and communities most impacted first. We must push forward with a vision for a just, clean energy transition before economic realities like these make the transition and leave us behind. Vistra put shareholders over people and is leaving Illinois families in a lerch. Vistra should pay for clean up and damage to the environment and health of the community.”


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The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit www.sierraclub.org.