Twin Ports Says 'No' To Fracked Gas

Community Members Voice Opposition to Proposed Power Plant

Rebecca Kling,

Duluth, MN -- Sierra Club members and communities from around the Twin Ports are voicing their opposition to a proposed fracked gas power plant in Superior, Wisconsin. Investor-owned utilities Dairyland Power (WI) and Minnesota Power (MN) are seeking permission to build the plant and must receive approval from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Right now, the Wisconsin DNR is reviewing the utilities’ request for an air permit. The proposed gas plant would be built along 31st Ave E, between Grand Ave and E 10th St, close to homes, schools, and businesses, and only a few miles from Lake Superior. Twin Ports residents submitted written comments to the Wisconsin DNR with concerns about the proposed Nemadji Trail fracked gas plant, including air and climate pollution.

Twin Ports residents also have the opportunity to provide verbal testimony about the permit permit application at a virtual public hearing, hosted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, at 1:00 PM Central on Tuesday, August 11th. Participants in this hearing can join online via Zoom: or via phone at (312) 626-6799 with the Meeting ID: 996 1244 8116.

“As someone who works on water quality in Superior, Wisconsin, I know that pollution doesn't recognize state boundaries. It's been critical in my work to build cross-state collaborations to really make a difference for Lake Superior. What happens in one community affects our neighbors. We need energy solutions for Lake Superior communities that address pollution and climate change, not perpetuate them,” said Andrea Crouse a resident near the proposed plant.” - Andrea Crouse, Duluth resident

“As a youth with disabilities, who not only deals with the impending climate crisis, but the current affects on my community, building another gas plant scares me. When there are other options available that don’t pollute the ground, the water and the air, all of which don’t care about state lines and can cause and worsen disabilities, corporations like MN Power and Dairyland power continuing to fight for this gas plant, hurts me personally. When companies claim to care about their customers but push for something that’s only good for making them money, it makes me feel lesser in a world that already considers me so.” - Izzy Laderman, Duluth high school student

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The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit