Sierra Club: Dairyland Power’s New ERA Application is a Step in the Right Direction, but Must Cancel Plans for New NTEC Gas Plant


Megan Wittman,

La Crosse, WI – Last week, Dairyland Power shared that they had applied for the USDA’s Empowering Rural America program, or New ERA, aimed at aiding rural electric co-ops such as Dairyland in accelerating their transition to clean energy. The program received record interest from more than 40 states and Puerto Rico.

Dairyland Power revealed that while they applied for the one-time $9.7 billion program to expand clean energy projects, including eight solar and four wind projects, the utility is still proposing the Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC), a new fossil gas plant to be located in Superior, Wisconsin. Gas plants are fossil fuel infrastructure that are shown to emit almost as much as coal-fired power plants, leading to climate-change-causing emissions and local air pollution from methane. 

The utility has also applied to the USDA Rural Utilities Service (RUS) for a loan to cover its portion of the $700 million fossil gas plant. Last week, the USDA received over 8,000 comments uplifting NTEC’s numerous threats to climate, environment and Indigenous rights and sovereignty as part of a review as USDA considers loaning Dairyland money to finance this plant.

Jadine Sonoda, Campaign Coordinator, at Sierra Club - Wisconsin released the following statement:

“The New ERA program is a game changer for co-ops and we’re thrilled to see the overwhelming interest in funding for the clean energy transition. The projects Dairyland proposed are a much needed part of this transition in Wisconsin and across the region, and we’re excited to see their initiative. This coincides with the broad support shown last Sunday when more than 75,000 people turned out to the March to End Fossil Fuels in New York, highlighting the urgent need to move away from fossil fuels and address their climate, health, and economic impacts. 

“While Dairyland’s New ERA clean energy proposals are welcomed news, we’re extremely disappointed to see their continued investment in new fossil fuels. Their continued pursuit of NTEC undermines their intention to expand clean energy projects. If Dairyland is serious about protecting the long-term economic and health of their members, they must cancel plans for the NTEC gas plant. Exacerbating the climate crisis and local air pollution is inexcusable.”


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