Sierra Club Statement on 2023 Elections


Christopher Schuler,

Washington, DC – Voters cast their ballots in elections across several states on Tuesday, deciding the outcome of two governors’ races, the makeup of eight state legislative chambers, and countless local races and ballot initiatives.

Dozens of Sierra Club-endorsed candidates have emerged victorious in their races so far, a remarkable success in an off-year election.  

Critically, Virginia Democrats keeping control of the State Senate and recapturing control of the House of Delegates all but guarantee Governor Glenn Youngkin’s efforts to gut key environmental and climate laws are dead.

In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Ben Jealous released the following statement:

“Votes continue to be counted, but it is clear that people across the country are looking toward the future when they make their voice heard in the voting booth. From rising fossil fuel energy costs to increased extreme weather—including unprecedented heatwaves and wildfires—the climate crisis is at our doorstep and voters are demanding bold action at every level of our government. The candidates and policies that will take climate action were on the ballot yesterday. Clean energy was on the ballot. Building a new green economy was on the ballot. And from the top of the ticket on down—in some of the deepest red counties to the most progressive of places—we’re thrilled to see so many of these efforts prevail. 

“We need elected officials who will put people over profits and fight for clean air, clean water, and an inhabitable planet for future generations. The looming climate catastrophe will not spare one political party at the expense of another, it will affect us all. That is why the Sierra Club is working hard to advance a 50-state strategy that will ensure we are talking about the issues with people of every political stripe. That’s what is important in our race against this crisis, and that’s why I am proud to see that we made tremendous progress this cycle. Now it is time for these newly elected leaders to get to work.”


About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit