Republican Effort to Keep Inefficient Appliances on the Market A Waste of Time & Blatantly Anti-Consumer


Shannon Van Hoesen,

Washington, DC - The Senate voted yesterday to overturn the energy efficiency standard for furnaces finalized by the Biden administration to save consumers an estimated $1.5 billion and protect public health and the environment. President Biden has said he will veto the effort.

These standards provide substantial benefits to low-income households disproportionately affected by high energy expenses. Renters will also benefit as landlords typically have no incentive to install efficient space heating equipment since tenants usually pay the energy bills. 

Burning fossil fuels for space and water heating emits health-harming and climate-disrupting pollution, including nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, fine particulate matter, and carbon dioxide. Together, these pollutants harm all three major organ systems of the body. Improved furnace standards will significantly cut emissions of these harmful pollutants reducing risks of asthma, heart diseases, and premature deaths. 

The furnace standard will apply to new gas furnaces on the market starting in 2028, giving manufacturers a generous four-year adaptation period. Manufacturers and consumers are receiving substantial government incentives through the Inflation Reduction Act to aid in the transition.

In reaction, Sierra Club Deputy Legislative Director for Clean Energy and Electrification Xavier Boatright released the following statement: 

“This is yet another example of congressional Republicans who are more concerned with protecting fossil fuel interests than protecting the health and financial well-being of average Americans. Senator Cruz and others are as wasteful with congressional floor time as the inefficient appliances they are trying to protect are with precious energy resources. 

“While many consumers are starting to see through the lies of the gas industry and turning to zero-emission, electric heat pumps, the furnace standard means that folks who live in homes with new gas-fired furnaces do not unnecessarily waste energy and money. We strongly support efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly appliance standards and urge Congress to work on behalf of consumers, not corporate polluters.” 


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