Indiana Regulators Approve Duke’s Expensive Spending on Coal


Edward Smith, 

Indianapolis, Ind. – The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, which oversees monopoly electric utilities, approved Duke’s excessive and wasteful spending on coal gasification at Edwardsport and agreed to prolong the use of coal at the Gibson coal-fired power plant, dealing a blow to customers struggling to pay their bills. Duke customers will continue paying $70 million annually to support unnecessary coal gasification costs at Edwardsport (see pg. 8 and 12 here).

Edwardsport, Duke’s coal gasification plant, has cost customers $2.6 billion to prop up over the last decade. In total, Edwardsport surpassed $3.4 billion in construction costs and often operates at a financial loss. That’s why groups from large industrial consumers who use a lot of electricity to environmental groups objected to ongoing coal gasification at the power plant. 

Statement from Robyn Skuya-Boss, Chapter Director, Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter: 

“It’s frustrating that state regulators sided with Duke’s excessively expensive operations at Edwardsport when there was opposition to this wasteful spending from environmental groups to the largest users of electricity in the state. We’ll continue to fight against these unnecessary costs while pushing Duke to invest in affordable and reliable renewable energy for Hoosier families.” 

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