
November 22, 2021

EL PASO, TX -- Late last week, the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) updated its ozone designation of El Paso, Texas, to nonattainment, indicating that the region does not meet National Ambient Air Quality Standards for this dangerous air pollutant.  The American Lung Association ranks El Paso 13th on its list of the most smog-polluted metropo

25 de mayo de 2021

Un nuevo reporte emitido hoy reveló preocupantes niveles de los compuestos tóxicos PFAS (per- y polyfluoralkyl) en productos fertilizantes domésticos ampliamente usados en Estados Unidos.

April 14, 2021

More than Century-Old BP Whiting Refinery Released Deadly Microscopic Soot-Like Particles Above Permitted Limit

Hammond, Ind. – A federal judge today ruled that the more than century-old BP Whiting Refinery on Lake Michigan, one of the nation’s largest refineries, repeatedly violated legal limits on deadly soot-like particulate air pollution.

April 7, 2021


Today, the California State Water Resources Control Board will host an annual workshop to update constituents on the Salton Sea Management Plan (SSMP), the state’s plan to address public health issues and build habitat at the sea. Groups working at the Salton Sea are calling on the state to improve the SSMP, especially in its efforts to engage communities and incorporate their input into projects at the Sea.

March 3, 2021

DETROIT -- Sierra Club and Environment Michigan, represented by the Great Lakes Environmental Law Center and National Environmental Law Center, announced Wednesday that they have taken the first steps in a Clean Air Act lawsuit against AK Steel Dearborn Works, one of Michigan’s most notorious polluters. 

11 de febrero de 2021

El secretario del Interior en funciones, Scott de la Vega, rescindió una orden que eliminó efectivamente el programa de Asociación del Legado de Recreo en la Naturaleza (ORLP).

16 de septiembre de 2020

Bloomberg Philanthropies y el Sierra Club anunciaron que la campaña Más Allá del Carbón ha logrado retirar el 60% de las plantas térmicas de carbón de Estados Unidos —318 de las 530 hasta hoy. Este hito duplica la meta original, establecida en 2011, la cual se comprometió a retirar el 30%, la mitad, del total para este año 2020 y a acelerar la transición hacia una economía de energía limpia.

August 27, 2020

Today, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) unanimously passed the Ocean-Going Vessels At-Berth regulation, which will clean up pollution from idling ships in California’s ports by requiring all ships to either plug into shore power or to capture emissions over the next decade.

26 de agosto de 2020

Los incendios que afectan a toda California se están amainando y se han eliminado las órdenes de evacuación en varias partes del estado, aunque no en todas. El humo de los incendios continúa creando condiciones insalubres en todo el estado y el Oeste del país —un riesgo aún mayor para la salud pública en medio de una pandemia.

August 20, 2020

Salt Lake City, UT -- Today, the Sierra Club’s Utah Chapter released a comprehensive legislative scoring on conservation and environmental issues of the 2020 Utah State legislature. The scorecard reviewed twenty bills addressing a swath of environmental and governance issues-- and revealed failing averages for the House and the Senate. The scorecard release comes  ahead of Utah's general elections, which include votes for Governor, the entire State House, and fifteen seats in the State Senate. 

May 29, 2020

Richmond, CA — Yesterday evening, the Sierra Club and San Francisco Baykeeper moved to intervene as full parties in the lawsuits to defend the City of Richmond’s ordinance that phases out the storage and handling of coal and petroleum coke in the city, and also filed an accompanying motion to dismiss the lawsuits. The environmental legal organization Earthjustice is representing both the Sierra Club and SF Baykeeper in court.

January 27, 2020

Sierra Club applauds and fully supports the special resolution Indianapolis City-County Council members passed unanimously tonight, calling on local electric provider Indianapolis Power & Light (IPL) to update its 20-year energy plan filed with state regulators in December to include the full retirement of the Petersburg Super Polluter coal plant by 2028.