
June 14, 2021

Today, the Minnesota Court of Appeals announced it will uphold the Public Utilities Commission’s 2020 approval of Enbridge’s Line 3 pipeline.

9 de junio de 2021

Hoy, 13 años tras ser propuesto, TransCanada Energy anunció que el proyecto de construcción del oleoducto Keystone XL de arenas oleaginosas ha sido oficialmente eliminado.

June 9, 2021

Today, 13 years after it was first proposed, TC Energy announced that the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is officially terminated.

26 de mayo de 2021

Hoy, durante la reunión anual general de ExxonMobil, los accionistas votaron elegir a dos nuevos miembros de la junta directiva de la compañía, una poderosa reprimenda a décadas de fracaso en actuar contra la crisis climática y desarrollar un plan comercial sustentable.

April 28, 2021

Newe legal motion responds to 14 states challenging the leasing pause

April 19, 2021

Cheyenne, WY— Farmers and ranchers, conservation, recreation, and tribal groups filed motions to intervene today to defend the Biden administration’s pause on federal oil and gas leasing pending the Department of Interior’s comprehensive review of the program.

April 9, 2021

Frontline Communities From Permian Basin and Greater Chaco Region Demand Federal Oil and Gas Leasing Reform and End to Sacrifice Zones in First-Ever Joint Press Conference

April 7, 2021

New York, NY -- Today, JPMorgan Chase (JPMC) CEO Jamie Dimon released his influential annual letter to shareholders.

March 24, 2021

Washington, DC— Today, the Department of the Interior is hosting the first public forum on the agency’s oil and gas leasing program. The panel comes during the Biden administration’s pause on new leasing offshore and on public lands, and will bring together stakeholders from across the country to discuss impacts of the current leasing system.

March 8, 2021

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK -- House Bill 2034, a bill prioritizing oil and gas, is working its way through the Oklahoma legislature and would have a devastating impact on renewable energy in the state. In addition, the bill would forbid state contractors from boycotting the oil and gas industry, which could have a chilling effect on free speech in Oklahoma.

February 4, 2021

The Allegheny Front is reporting that a Noble County, Ohio fracked gas well has been spilling toxic radioactive oil and gas waste for over a week, with the fluid entering waterways and killing fish

27 de enero de 2021

Como parte de su promesa de actuar con premura climática, la administración Biden anunció que suspenderá todos los nuevos arrendamientos de extracción petrolera y gasera en terrenos y vías acuáticas públicos, revisar los arrendamientos y permisos existentes, e incrementar el desarrollo de complejos eólicos marinos.