Marin Group Leadership
2024 Executive Committee Officers
Chair Shea Putman
Vice-chair Pamela Meigs
Secretary Sam Penrose
Treasurer Chance Cutrano
Nate McKitterick
Sam Ruben
Bryan Shiles
Jenny Silva
Holli Thier
Thomas Tunny
Open Positions on the Executive Committee
We currently have one open position on our ExCom
and are looking for enthusiastic leaders!
Please email
if you’d like to be considered for an appointment to our ExCom board.
for active members to become ExCom Board members.
For information, calendar, and candidate forms,
Compact Growth Committee
Chair: Jenny Silva
Vice Chair: Bryan Shiles
Conservation Committee
Political Committee
Chair: Sam Ruben
Alternate: Jenny Silva
SF Bay Chapter ExCom Rep:
Main: Sam Penrose
Alternate: Thomas Tunny
Political Committee
The Sierra Club Marin Group Executive Committee has a very high standard for its political endorsements, including the candidate’s proven commitment to environmental leadership and record on issues. The Sierra Club requires a 2/3 majority vote of the Sierra Club Marin Group Executive Committee and approval by the Sierra Club Bay Chapter Political Committee for an endorsement. Local candidates seeking an endorsement completed a detailed questionnaire and an interview.