Dipsea Ranch Development Threatens Coho
A subdivision slated in the headwater of Redwood Creek threatens downstream coho recovery and doesn't sufficiently address impacts to wildlife, water quality, traffic, public safety. and CEQA
Endangered Northern Spotted Owl
This threatened species is further endangered by the arrival in Marin County of barred owls due to change in habitat and climate. This page offers information on how and where to report sightings of both owls.
San Geronimo Valley Restoration
In 2019, Sierra Club Marin Group, along with every other Marin environmental group, supported the purchase of San Geronimo Golf Course acreage for open space and restoration. This area would provide essential floodplain refuge for baby Coho and...
825 Drake Marin City Planned Development
A 74 unit, 5 story development at 825 Drake Avenue in Marin City is poised to be fast-tracked and supersized. Read why this will be bad for Marin City residents and the environment.
While Marin County has now essentially banned the use of glyphosate and other toxic pesticides except in very special circumstances, not all of the cities and towns in Marin have followed suit.
We are asking residents...
Local Coastal Plan/CCC
Sierra Club Marin Group works to protect the California coast.
Novato Sports & Community Park, Novato CA
Developer proposes a 55 acre for-profit private regional sports complex and stadium on public lands which are classified as a Class II toxic landfill. The proposed development is adjacent to the 980 acre Hamilton Wetlands Restoration Project...
Lawsuit to Protect Coastal California
This case was dismissedThe California Coastal Act is a key reason our coastline hasn't been entirely dominated by large-scale development. Developers wanted to overturn rules that protect public access and the environment along our state...
Community Marin
Community Marin 2013A Vision For Marin County Policy RecommendationsThis document is currently being revised by the coalition of environmental groups that first put it together. These include: Marin Audubon Society, Marin Baylands Advocates,...