Bike infrastructure
Public car transportation is Marin County's #1 source of Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Electric vehicles emit less emissions than gas powered vehicles, but are not as good as public transportation and active transportation (i.e., walking or biking)....
Compact Growth
Sierra Club Marin Group advocates for compact growth to reduce car dependency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address our housing crisis.
Highway 37
Sierra Club members from Redwood and San Francisco Bay chapters have formed a committee to study the plan to improve State Route 37, which runs east-west along the north shore of San Pablo Bay, connecting U.S. 101 in Novato and I-80 in Vallejo.
Synthetic Turf
Synthetic Turf is an incredibly toxic product being touted as a playable surface for all seasons and saving water. But temperatures can reach 140 degrees or more on a hot day! They also contain "forever chemicals" (PFAs) that leach into the...
Stream Conservation Area Ordinance
Sierra Club Marin Group works with other conservation organizations in Marin to protect Marin streams, particularly in the San Geronimo Valley where development threatens endangered Coho Salmon.
Pt. Reyes National Seashore
The ranching industry in the Pt. Reyes National Seashore is a source of climate-heating greenhouse gases, water pollution, species extinction, and soil degradation. Ranchers were paid for their land and given 25 years to vacate, but now the National...
Past Issues
An archive of Sierra Club Marin Group issues that are no longer active