Regulations for Public Water Contaminant Levels

Bill Number
H.3498, H.3499
Sierra Club Position
Rep. JA Moore
Legislative Session
Status Info

H.3498 and H.3499 have been filed and are pending SC House Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Environmental Affairs Committee consideration.

H.3498 and H.3499 would originally have required SC DHEC to promulgate regulations that establish statewide minimum contaminant levels (MCLs) for the following pollutants in public water systems: PFAS, PFOA, and PFOS compounds; chromium-6; 1, 4 dioxane; and, any other public water system pollutants for which at least two other states have established MCLs or issued public health guidance.

It will need to be amended to apply to the either the newly created Department of Behavioral and Public Health or the newly created Department of Environmental Services.

For decades, these toxic ‘forever chemicals’ have been manufactured and used in firefighting foam and waterproof, stain resistant, and non-stick products. Now, they are causing widespread impacts on the health of our children, families, and military personnel.

South Carolina Sierra Club

Please contact your member of the SC state House of Representatives and ask them to support H.3498 and ask them to support this Joint Resolution. Please also contact your member of the SC state House of Resolutions and ask them to support H.3499 and ask them to support this bill.

This is a priority of the SC Sierra Club and the SC Conservation Coalition.