The Dallas Sierra Club currently offers the following outings and/or classes. Click the title for details. If you have any questions about these outings, or Sierra Club outings in general, please contact the Dallas Sierra Club's Outings Chair Jim Robarge at
White Rock Lake Monthly Cleanup - Help take care of our adopted section of White Rock Lake Park on the second Saturday of every month.
Hike Big Bend National Park - Our annual Trip to Big Bend National Park is scheduled for February 19 -23, 2025.
Backpacking on the Ouachita Trail - For those who want to experience their first overnight backpacking trip, test out new equipment, or just relax in the woods, this beautiful weekend hike is a great get-away. Dates are March 21-23, 2025.
Hike the Eagle Rock Loop in Arkansas - Join us for a river and mountain hike in the beauty of Arkansas designed for intermediate to experienced backpackers. Details and registration will be coming soon. Dates are March 28-30, 2025.
Day Hike the Great Trinity Forest in Dallas. - Dallas Sierra Club is teaming with Master Naturalist Amy Martin, author of Wild DFW and Wild DFW photographer Daniel Koglin to present a day hike in the Great Trinity Forest in Dallas. The date is April 26th, 2025.
Backpacking 101 Class - Learn to backpack at our award winning class. Date is in April. Details soon.
Day hiking in the Mountains near Leadville, Colorado - Join us for an exploration of the Colorado Mountains in the Leadville/Buena Vista area. We will tent camp in a campground near Leadville and explore the beauty of the Rocky Mountains during the day. This outing will take place August 10-15. Full details in a couple of months.
Hike from Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico - Backpack two miles to a base camp near Bull-of-the Woods Meadow. On the next day, hike with lightened packs to Goose Lake Overlook or beyond to Gold Hill (12,711 ft) and return to base camp. Most hikers rate this a strenuous hike, but it's suitable for hikers with an experience at high altitude and some backpacking. Mid-September is usually a great time for hiking northern New Mexico. Dates are September 10-14, 2025. Details in a few months.