Contact Us

The Dallas Sierra Club is an all-volunteer grass roots organization. We share a common interest in protecting the health of our families, environment and planet. We welcome your ideas, suggestions and criticisms. Please feel welcome to contact any of the Dallas Regional Group volunteers listed below to discuss your concerns and interests.

If you would like to send us regular mail, our mailing address is:
Dallas Sierra Club, P.O. Box 800365, Dallas TX 75380-0365
But note that we only check our P.O. Box a couple of times a month, so it might take a while to receive a reply.

Our phone number is 214-369-5543. This goes to a voice mail box. Please leave a detailed message, including your phone number, and someone will get back to you.

Executive Committee / Officers

To reach a member of the Dallas Regional Group's Executive Committee (Excom) regarding general matters of Club policy and operations, contact any of the following volunteer leaders. Click on names for profile/contact information.

Chair Victoria Howard
Vice Chair open
Treasurer Arthur Kuehne
Secretary Ashia Agarwal
  Renee Roberson
  Liz Wheelan
  Allen McGill
  Molly Rooke
  Mark Witte
  Christian Costello


To reach someone about going on a Sierra Club outing, look at the Outings Listing and contact the listed trip leader. To reach someone about general Outings concerns, contact any of the following volunteer leaders.

Chair James Robarge
Backpacking Volunteer Needed
Day Hiking Volunteer Needed
Family Outings Volunteer Needed
Service Outings Volunteer Needed
Training Liz Wheelan

Conservation / Eco Action

To reach someone about conservation issues, contact any of the following volunteer leaders.

Conservation / Eco Action Chair Victoria Howard  
Clean Air Molly Rooke   214-369-6667
Rivers and Wetlands David Gray   214-342-2019
Green Building Arthur Kuehne  214-608-3210
Media Volunteer Needed  
Recycling Victoria Howard  
Responsible Trade Molly Rooke   214-369-6667
Eco Action Victoria Howard  

Special Interests

To reach someone about other special interests, contact any of the following volunteer leaders.

Adopt a Shoreline Tim Gibson  
Fundraising Volunteer Needed  
ICO: Inspiring Connections
Outdoors (Our Outreach Program)
Liz Wheelan 214-368-2306
Membership Volunteer Needed  
Newsletter Editors  
Political David Griggs 972-406-9667
Programs Renee Roberson  
Video Volunteer Needed  
Volunteer Coordinator Volunteer Needed  
Webmaster Arthur Kuehne 214-608-3210

New Address

Have you moved? Let us know by sending your old address, your new address and your member number (look on your Sierra magazine mailing label) to: If you file change of address information with the Post Office, we will update your address automatically.

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