Dallas Sierra Club Executive Committee Member
Contact John: john@dallassierraclub.org 972-345-8603

John has been an active Sierran for over 10 years and member for 20. As well as a member of the Dallas Sierra Club’s ExCom, he is an ExCom member for the Sierra Club’s Lone Star Chapter and serves as its Secretary. His appreciation of nature has led him to be actively involved with other local organizations. He is a board member and the treasurer for two local groups – the local Audubon Society and the local Native Plant Society of Texas.
John’s concern regarding water in North Texas, led him to become a member of the Sierra Club’s Water Sentinels (Western Division) working with other Sierra activists in the West and Southwest parts of the U.S. who are likewise concerned about water. This concern also led him to become a voting member of the TWDB’s 22-member board for the Region C Water Planning Group (a 16-county area of North Texas).
One major passion is keeping abreast of the state of our planet and the numerous effects of the excessive Global Warming Gases. Another is the continual battle to shed light on the long and ugly history of environmental racism and the work needed to overcome the effects of it.
John is the go-to person for the virtual and hybrid meetings for the Dallas Sierra Club and acts as Zoom host for these meetings.
The Dallas Sierra Club faces a serious challenge of engaging current members to step up to take leadership roles. John works with our ExCom to map strategies to reach out to older adults who can take leadership roles to continue the great work of the Dallas Sierra Club.