Pay Your Trip Fee for the Valles Caldera Trip
The Dallas Sierra Club makes it easy for you to pay the $100 per person fee for the Valles Caldera trip.
You have three options:
- Check or Money Order: You can send a check or money order to the trip coordinator (as listed on the trip write up). Make payable to Dallas Sierra Club.
- PayPal: You can also pay here via our PayPal shopping cart payment system. You do not need to have a PayPal account, you can pay with any credit or debit card. Click Here to pay your $100.00 fee via PayPal. If you need to pay for more than one person, just change the quantity on the PayPal page.
- Zelle®: You can also pay with Zelle®. If your bank app supports it, scan the QR code below, or just tell Zelle® to send the required fee(s) to Dallas Sierra Club at