2012 Legislative Sesssion Wraps Up

The 2012 legislative session was one of the most successful in recent years for our environment.

This session some landmark legislation passed:

  • The Water for 2060 Act sets a formal state goal that we should use no additional water in the year 2060 than what our state consumes this year.
  • The Statewide Energy Initiative Act of 2012 requires all state facilities make energy efficiency improvements that will decrease their energy consumption by 20% by the year 2020.

Additionally, this session, several bills that threatened the environment were defeated. Dozens of Sierra Club's members and supporters took the time to call their legislator to oppose a bill that would have allowed politically motivated attacks on widely accepted scientific theories, including global climate change, using discredited arguments that have absolutely no basis in science or the scientific method. Your hard work ensured this bill did not pass

Furthermore, over 200 Sierra Club members and supporters took the time to email lawmakers and stand up against a dangerous tax cut plan that would have led to budget cuts to the agencies that protect the health of our citizens and safeguard Oklahoma's air, water and natural resources and elimination of the tax credits that have allowed renewable energy sources, like wind, to grow so quickly.  Your emails helped make the difference and the legislature failed to pass this dangerous income tax reduction.

I thank each and every one of you for helping to make these victories possible. Our grassroots advocacy is what sets the Sierra Club apart from the corporate interests and opponents of the environment who fight us every step of the way! That would not be possible without your hard work and answering each of our action alerts! Additionally, your financial contributions to the Oklahoma Chapter of the Sierra Club are the reason we are the only environmental organization in the state with a lobbyist at the capitol.