The Natural Places Committee involves volunteers in a variety of issues related to preserving our beloved forests, streams, rivers, and Chesapeake Bay. It engages in advocacy, testifies at hearings, and hosts panel discussions and workgroup deep dives on issues that matter to you!
Recent events include a native plants expert panel and expert speakers on the challenges with wildlife trade, the effects of plastic pollution in waterways on wildlife, the effects of stream restoration on ecosystems, the 30x30 campaign promoting the protection of 30% of our land by 2030, establishing a native plant network in your community, the importance of mushrooms and other fungi in Maryland, and rain gardens. We had fun playing Natural Places Jeopardy with categories like Native Plants and Trees, Humans, and Wildlife, with all the 100-point questions reserved for those under 14.
Our advocacy accomplishments include a) promoting dissemination of the Sierra Club Campaign Plan template; b) submitting legislation regarding natural places issues to the Maryland General Assembly (6 so far this session); c) writing information sheets for the public on native plants, stream restoration, deer control, and rain gardens; d) educating the public about issues such as nature and mental health and ecopsychology, art and environmentalism, indigenous wisdom, and environmental justice and racial justice through our newsletters, listserv, and meetings. Members pledged to ask their representatives in the US Congress to become cosponsors of H.R. 4512, the Great American Outdoors Act, which was subsequently passed in a historic bipartisan effort!
The Latest
Some of our current campaigns are:
- Bill Testimony During the Maryland General Assembly Legislative Session
- Preserving Guilford Woods (activism, video, rally, media coverage)
- Protecting Residents of Mattawoman Creek from Airport Expansion
- Protect Hundreds of Acres of Girl Scout Land in Prince George's County
- Protect Our Maryland Streams
- Protect and Expand State Parks, Natural Places, and Native Plants in Maryland!
See also the work of our active subcommittees!
Get Involved
We need YOU to continue this important work.
Click here to join the
Natural Places Committee Team
We have a listserv if you'd like to receive action alerts and info on upcoming events related to Natural Places issues.
Click here to join the Natural Places News listserv
How to help?
We are looking for contributors to all sorts of efforts to help everyone to have access to enjoy, explore, and preserve our natural places and promote the concept of access to nature as a human right… Outdoors for All!
Help create a list of favorite Federal, State, County, and private parks. Learn how planting natives in your yard can save our pollinators, birds, and wildlife, and how to stay safe in tick season, or offer to take notes at a meeting.
Some interesting links for your continuing education
Please check out the recent issues of the newsletter. Click on any of the topics below for more details and join any of the many workgroup meetings on our calendar!
"Native and Invasive Plants Panel with Delegate Luedtke, Luke Chesek, Judy Fulton, Chuck Woolery, and Lauren Hubbard" video (June 18, 2022)
Endangered Reptiles and Amphibians video (Oct. 28, 2021)
"Hey, Where Did All the Mammals Go?" video by Dr. Joel Cohen (July 21, 2021)
"The Importance of Crayfish in Maryland" video by Emilio Concari (June 16, 2021)
Wildlife and Plant Corridors Flyer (June 2021)
Videos from the 2021 Taking Nature Black Conference Celebration (Audubon, now Nature Forward)
Magnificent Moths of Maryland Video by Kerry Wixted (Apr. 26, 2021)
Native Plant Suggestions for Sun, Shade, and Deer Resistance
"The Mushroom Chronicles" with William Needham (Jan. 13, 2021)
"Maryland's Endangered Habitats" with Rod Simmons (Dec. 16, 2020)
Sierra Club Land Preservation Tool Kit (stay tuned for updates in 2021)
Check sierraclub.org/maryland/calendar to RSVP for the next meeting.
Click here to join the Natural Places News listserv if you'd like to receive action alerts and info on upcoming events related to Natural Places issues.