Howard County Group Contact List

The Howard County Group has an Executive Committee of 9 voting members. Members are elected to two-year terms; elections occur annually and terms are staggered. Vacancies that occur on the Ex Com can be filled by appointment until the next election. The Ex Com can authorize formation of committees to work on conservation, politics (elections and legislation), awareness, or outings. 

Group Contact Info:
Follow us on Facebook!
Follow us on Instagram!

Members of the Executive Committee:

Carolyn Parsa

Pat Soffen
Vice Chair

Crystal Konny

Carl Latkin

Aria Ma

Ruth Alice White

Committees and Chairs

New volunteers are always welcome to join or start a committee!  Contact us! (

Conservation Committee
     -Natural Places Committee
     -Land Use and Development Committee

Clean Energy Committee

Outings Committee (patricia.soffen[@]

Zero Waste Committee