Help elect environmental candidates in 2014!

Do you want to help elect environmental champions to office here in Mayland?  In 2014 Maryland will elect a new Governor and hundreds of state Senators, Delegates, and local officials. And Sierra Club will be there to support strong environmental candidates.   Join the Political Committee and help shape our top issues, endorsements, and support for candidates. 

Our Political Committee interviews almost every candidate, makes endorsements, and organizes support to elect more environmental leaders to office.  With the primaries just around the corner, we need to get organized now.  

No experience?  Only have a few hours to spare?  Don't worry. We will provide training and have a range of different volunters.   Join us at the Jamboree for our next political training, or contact political Chair Betsy Johnson to connect with your local county team.  

For more info contact Betsy Johnson,