More victories: Defending the Polluted Runoff Law

Thanks to our fired-up Sierra Club volunteer leaders and members, we are making great strides in the defense of the Polluted Runoff law. The Polluted Runoff program passed in 2012 is key to reducing water pollution in Maryland. The program ensures that local jursidictions will have the support they need to construct on-the-ground projects that clean up dirty water, reduce flooding, and prevent the further degradation of our rivers and streams, and the Chesapeake Bay. The program will ensure that our seafood remains safe, and that we will experience fewer beach closings in the future. In this legislative session, we have seen many bills, introduced by anti-environmental forces in the General Assembly, that attempt to change or repeal the law. Maryland Sierra Club members and volunteers have helped to defeat these bills through taking action on alerts and delivering testimony. Here comes the latest in a series of victories: Senate Bill 5, a polluted runoff repeal bill, was just given an unfavorable report by the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee. Great job everyone!