Frederick County Invasive Plant Removal

Catoctin Mountain National Park - Camp Greentop

Catoctin Forest Alliance (CFA) Day of Service on May 9th, 2015

We have been asked to rake leaves from under the cabins, eradicate barberry plants and stain cabins 74, 76, 77, 80 and 81.  We will start work about 9:00 am on the 9th with registration from 8:00 am – 9:00 am.  We’ll break for lunch around 12 noon and CFA will provide sandwiches and water for all.  Once the work is finished in the afternoon everyone will be asked to check out so we know that no one’s left in the woods.  Certification of service hours worked will be provided for all who request it.

All materials and equipment such as stain, brushes, rollers, tape, rakes, ladders, etc. will be provided but you are asked to bring your own gloves.  If you would like to form a team ahead of time, or have a specific project that you would like to work on, please let Jim Sundergill know.  Otherwise teams will be made up during the registration period.  There is no lower age limit but everyone is expected to work and all youth must be supervised.  In particular, cabin staining is probably too strenuous for younger children but raking leaves and barberry eradication can be done by any age group.

For staining the cabins, there will need to be 3 – 4 adults per team because youth will not be allowed to work on ladders.  Cabins will have to be brushed to clear away any mold or moss but power washing will not be required.  The teams will then apply tape to cover the chinking/daubing between the logs then brush or roll on the stain.  This operation tends to be messy, so be sure to think of that when deciding what clothes to wear.

If you can’t make it this year but would like to be on distribution for next year’s Day of Service (tentatively May 14, 2016) let Jim Sundergill know.  If you would like to know more about the CFA and other programs that we conduct for Catoctin Mountain Park, Cunningham Falls State Park and the Catoctin forest region, please go to our website: .

If you are going to help on the 9th, please let me know as soon as possible so that we can have enough equipment, material and food for everyone.

Contact: Jim Sundergill, 301-898-7549, jimsundergill[@]

Catoctin Mountain National Park - Biological Science Technician hire (closes 4/8/2019)

The National Park Service Exotic Plant Management Team based in DC is hiring a Biological Science Technician for the summer season (mid May-October) for Catoctin Mountain National Park.