Landmark Democracy Reform Package -- HR1 “For The People” Act -- Passes U.S. House

On Friday, House Democrats, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Taskforce Chair Representative John Sarbanes, unanimously passed H.R. 1, the For the People Act. This landmark reform package will help to safeguard our democracy and our elections from the influence of corporate polluters, ensuring that every voice will be heard both at the ballot box and in Washington.

H.R. 1 will:

  • Create a nationwide automatic voter registration system and have same day voter registration, restore the Voting Rights Act, safeguard our election infrastructure from hostile actors, and put an end to partisan gerrymandering;

  • Strengthen ethics laws to curb the influence of corporate polluters by requiring the President to disclose their tax returns, put tougher restrictions on lobbying, prevent elected officials from spending taxpayer dollars to settle sexual harassment lawsuits; and

  • Fix our broken campaign finance system to empower small donors, support public financing of elections, and combat the influence of “dark money” unleashed by Citizens United.

"Today’s vote marks a major step forward for the American people and the integrity of our democracy,” said Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune. “For years, corporate polluters have had unchecked influence on our elected officials in an effort to pad their bottom lines, advance their own interests, and silence the American people. With the passage of H.R. 1, Congressional Democrats are starting to turn the tide back toward a fully functioning democracy that leaves no one behind.”

The Senate companion bill to HR1 will be introduced the week of March 11, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is already being an obstructionist and showing that he’s more interested in his corporate donors than in democracy.

For more than 125 years, the Sierra Club and the people of the U.S. have relied on a healthy democracy to protect our public lands for future generations to explore and enjoy; to pass common sense, life-saving legislation like the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act; and to safeguard our health.

The only way we can protect communities and ensure clean air and water for all is to have a functioning democracy that is free from the money of billionaires polluting our elections, that stops the dismantling of voting rights, and that puts people in the driver seat of our government priorities. A fairer and stronger democracy that works for everyone will be better equipped to not only act, but to lead on climate.

Stay tuned for ways to take action and get the “For the People” Act through the Senate!