We Won't Go Back. Rally Today For Reproductive Justice

It's happened. The Supreme Court just issued its decision to overturn the nationwide right to an abortion—and it has me infuriated and heartbroken all over again. The anger and motivation I felt last month after the leaked opinion is now all the more real with this final decision.

I know I am not alone in feeling this as my family, friends, all of you, and so many millions across the country are feeling the same. However, I am more determined than ever to dig deep and keep fighting for our fundamental rights—for a safe, healthy, and livable future for all.

Our right to seek an abortion had been protected by the legal precedent of Roe v. Wade for nearly 50 years. Roe was founded upon the constitutional right to privacy, which is also the underpinning of many other rights we enjoy, such as the right to marry who we love and make certain choices about our health care. All of those fundamental and common sense rights are now under attack—or being taken away—by an extremist minority who want to impose their worldview on the rest of us.

That's not my worldview, it’s not the overwhelming majority’s worldview, and it's not what the Sierra Club stands for either. We seek to ensure that all people have the right to live in healthy and safe communities with access to clean air, clean water, and healthcare—including abortion. Together, we can help deepen the movement for a liveable planet, and a democracy that works for everyone.

So what can we do? Here are two important ways to make your voice heard:

Donate to community abortion funds.
The right to an abortion now is up to states, with 26 states ready to move to ban abortion by the end of the Summer, impacting more then 135 million people. It is vital that we support the community-based organizations who provide this critical care to those who need it. That is why I am asking you to join me in rushing a donation to two community abortion funds today, if you can.

The other fact I want to make very clear is that the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and turn back the clock on gender equality is extremely unpopular. Most Americans support the right to seek an abortion1, and we must seize this moment to make our voices heard loud and clear.

Join a rally to say We Won't Go Back!—Today in front of the Supreme Court and locations nationwide.

We are joining with our partners in the reproductive justice movement to rally across the nation and push back against this heartbreaking decision by the conservative majority of the Supreme Court. Join your neighbors and friends at local rallies to show your support to protect our fundamental rights. Find a Bans Off Our Bodies event near you—many are at 5 PM today.

You may have heard this wasn't the only major Supreme Court decision this week. Just yesterday, the highest court in our land also made an extreme decision limiting the ability of states and local governments to enact reasonable limits on conceal carry permits for guns. And we still await the Court's decision on West Virginia v. EPA that could have major consequences in how we fight climate change.

Protest alone won't change this situation, but it will help shine a light on how deeply unpopular and wrong today’s decision is, and it will show them we are paying attention and we will keep fighting. Donating to abortion funds will give real support to those who have the right to seek their own reproductive choice.

We won't be silenced while our fundamental right to control our bodies is taken away.

This is tough. My heart breaks, and I am angry, but I will not be silent.

What You Can Do




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